Rafolino Rafolino - The Voice Within

There's a soul
Inside of me
And there's a voice
Here inside

This voice tells me
To be true
But be careful

The lovely feelings are still here
Inside of me
And I need to protect them

I can't let the world kill my heart
I can't let bad feelings ruin who I am

Sweet feelings are so strong
And at the same time so underestimated
But they still prevail
I keep my sweet heart
Although the importance of the world is futility

I look inside of my heart
And listen to this voice
Saying protect yourself
Keep that innocence feelings
And those sweet imaginations

Again is only a word
When there's something wrong going on

Some things are the same
And never will change
The heart will always wish and wait

Once up a time
There's only joy
Happy smiles
There's no sadness
The life should be always like this

I close my eyes and wish
Joy, smiles and peace
Wish I can fly away and forget the tears

My hands can almost touch my flowing feelings

My mouth can express
Every breath of sweetness overflowing from my heart

I will keep
I choose to keep a sweeter and purer heart

Ah ah ah ah ah

This is the voice within